India is set to launch its won foundational model in the coming months, Union Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw said on Thursday outlining the country’s AI ambitions. Announcing the plan to build a domestic large language model as part of the Rs 10,370 crore IndiaAI Mission, Vaishnaw informed that the government has selected 10 companies that will supply 18,693 graphics processing unit (GPUs) under common computing facility.The companies include the Hiranandani Group-backed Yotta, Jio Platforms, Tata Communications, E2E Networks, CMS Computers, Ctrls Datacenters, Locuz Enterprise Solutions, NxtGen Datacenter, Orient Technologies, and Vensysco Technologies, according to Indian Express. “Over the last 1.5 years, our teams have been working closely with startups, researchers, professors etc. Today, we are calling for proposals to develop our own foundational model. The model will take care of the Indian context, languages, culture, are devoid of biases,” Vaishnaw told reporters. Making a slew of announcements – that promise to put India on global AI centrestage – Vaishnaw also said an AI safety institution will be started.”Making modern tech accessible to everyone, that is the economic thinking of our PM… Ours is the most affordable compute facility, at this point of time,” the IT Minister said.Asked about privacy concerns around Deepseek, he said India will host it on Indian servers to address concerns regarding privacy.(With inputs from PTI)
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