Imran struggling after revolt from within ruling party ahead of no-trust vote in Parliament-


Winds of change in Pakistan as PM Imran Khan loses support of partymen, Army: Report


ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan appeared to be struggling to save his government on Friday after it emerged that 24 dissident lawmakers from his own party may vote against him on the no-trust motion in Parliament while two of his allies suggested a “minus-Imran Khan” formula to resolve the raging political crisis.

Around 100 lawmakers from the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) and Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) submitted a no-confidence motion before the National Assembly Secretariat on March 8, alleging that the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf (PTI) government led by Khan was responsible for the economic crisis and the spiralling inflation in the country.

The National Assembly session for the move is expected to be convened on March 21 and the voting is likely to be held on March 28.

The Muttahida Qaumi Movement Pakistan (MQM-P) and Pakistan Muslim League-Quaid (PML-Q), the two allied parties of Khan’s PTI have presented a “minus- Imran Khan” formula to save the incumbent government ahead of voting on the no-confidence motion.

MQM-P Convener Khalid Maqbool Siddiqui told Geo News that following the current developments, he thinks there was no chance for Prime Minister Khan to stay in the office any longer.

Siddiqui said that after it emerged that 24 PTI lawmakers were staying at the Sindh House, it was “very difficult” for the prime minister to survive the vote of no-confidence.

But senior PTI leader and Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi said on Friday that there was “no room” for minus one in the party.

Addressing a press conference here, he said there was a rumour going on that “everything is okay but Imran Khan. Everything can be saved if we go towards minus one.”

He declared emphatically that there is “no room for minus one” in the PTI, adding that if anyone had any misunderstanding, they should remove it.

Qureshi also urged dissident lawmakers, including those staying at Sindh House in Islamabad, to rethink their decision.

He said the lawmakers were aware of the law and the Constitution, as well as, the PTI’s mandate.

Khan, 69, is heading a coalition government and he can be removed if some of the partners decide to switch sides.

In the 342-member National Assembly, the Opposition needs 272 votes to remove Khan, the cricketer-turned-politician.

The PTI has 155 members in the House and needs at least 172 lawmakers on its side to remain in the government.

The party has the support of 23 members belonging to at least six political parties.

Raja Riaz, one of the dissident lawmakers, told Geo News that Khan had failed to control inflation while another lawmaker Noor Alam Khan told Samaa News that his multiple grievances were not addressed by the government.

“We are part of more than two dozen members who are not happy with the government policies,” Riaz said.

The disgruntled lawmakers have been staying at Sindh House in Islamabad which is a property of the Sindh government and run by the Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP).

Saeed Ghani, a provincial minister and spokesman of the Sindh government, said the lawmakers fear they will be abducted by the government.

On Friday, irate members of the ruling party stormed into the Sindh House in protest against the 24 dissident lawmakers who are staying at the PPP-run facility.

Television footage showed dozens of activists of Khan’s PTI barging into the Sindh House and chanting slogans against the group of estranged lawmakers.

Dr Ramesh Kumar Vankwani, a Hindu lawmaker, is also among the PTI lawmakers staying at Sindh House.

“I was threatened and requested the Sindh Chief Minister to give me a room here (Sindh House),” he was quoted as saying by the Dawn News.

The government accused the Sindh government of abducting the PTI lawmakers to influence them by offering them huge bribes.

But Riaz said he and other dissident lawmakers were staying at the property of their own free will and were ready to move out of it if the prime minister assured them that they would be allowed to vote “according to our conscience”.

Prime Minister Khan consulted his party leaders and ministers on Thursday and was urged by Interior Minister Sheikh Rashid to impose governor’s rule in Sindh and remove its government as it was involved in buying members of the National Assembly.

“I asked the Prime Minister to impose Governor Rule in Sindh,” Rashid told the media after the meeting.

Khan is also consulting his legal team on how to disqualify the dissidents under the floor-crossing laws, but the law can be invoked after a lawmaker votes against his own party by ignoring the clear directions of the party leader.

The government has decided to approach the Supreme Court for interpretation of Article 63-A as several PTI lawmakers have announced to vote on the no-trust motion, in a violation of the party policy, Information Minister Fawad Chaudhry said.

As Khan’s grip on power weakens, he has mobilised his support base by giving a call for a big rally in the heart of the capital on March 27, with the objective of gathering one million workers.

The Opposition parties have responded to the move by asking their workers to march towards Islamabad on March 25 to occupy the D-Chowk in front of Parliament where Khan plans to hold a rally two days later.

As the political drama unfolds, the powerful army is apparently viewing the scenes from the sidelines with many experts wondering about its final move.

Pakistan Army spokesman last week told the media that the military will remain neutral, to which Khan responded days after while addressing a rally in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa by saying humans take sides and “only animals are neutral”.

The Army did not respond to Khan’s barb, but many interpreted it as quite a predicament that Khan has got himself into after three and a half years of rule.

Khan’s PTI party came to power in 2018 and the next general election is scheduled to be held in 2023.

Irate members of Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan’s ruling party on Friday stormed into the Sindh House here in protest against the two dozen dissident lawmakers who were lodged at the Pakistan Peoples Party-run facility.

Television footage showed dozens of activists of Khan’s Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) barging into the Sindh House and chanting slogans against the group of estranged lawmakers.

Nearly two dozen disgruntled PTI lawmakers have openly threatened to vote against Khan on the no-confidence motion tabled in Parliament by the Opposition.

Around 100 lawmakers from the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) and Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) submitted a no-confidence motion before the National Assembly Secretariat on March 8, alleging that the PTI government led by Khan was responsible for the economic crisis and the spiralling inflation in the country.

The National Assembly session for the move is expected to be convened on March 21 and the voting is likely to be held on March 28.

After the no-trust move was submitted by the joint opposition, some of the partners in the government began to dither but the real shocker for Khan came on Thursday when it emerged that about 24 lawmakers from his own party were ready to part ways to join the push to topple his government.

Raja Riaz, one of the lawmakers, told Geo News that Khan had failed to control inflation while another lawmaker Noor Alam Khan told Samaa News that his multiple grievances were not addressed by the government.

“We are part of more than two dozen members who are not happy with the government policies,” Riaz said “I raised the issue of gas shortage in my constituency many times but nothing was done,” said Khan.

The disgruntled lawmakers have been staying at Sindh House in Islamabad which is a property of the Sindh government and run by the Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP).

Saeed Ghani, a provincial minister and spokesman of the Sindh government, said the lawmakers fear they will be abducted by the government.

Fortunately, no harm came to the lawmakers as the Sindh police deployed inside succeeded to keep the intruders at bay until the personnel of Islamabad police arrived at the spot to control the situation.

At least a dozen troublemakers were arrested, including the two ruling lawmakers identified as Atta Ullah and Faheem Khan, who allegedly incited the workers to attack the building and damage its gate.

“I have talked to the Inspector General Police in Islamabad and ordered him to control the situation,” Interior Minister Sheikh Rashid told the media as he expressed concern at the violence.

Sharjeel Memon, a leader of Sindh’s Pakistan Peoples Party government, said that the central government was responsible for the attack at the Sindh House.

“It is an attack at the Sindh province and shows the complete failure of police to stop the protestors,” he said.

However, information minister Fawad Chaudhry blamed the Sindh government for housing the ‘turncoats’ which he said was a provocation for the workers of the PTI.

“Sindh House is in a sensitive area where the house of the Chief Justice, ministers’ colony and important residences are located,” he said, and asked the Pakistan People Party and Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz to “shift the turncoats to some other place” otherwise such incidents may happen again.

“We cannot stop everyone (from coming to the Sindh House),” he tweeted.

Khan’s Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) has 155 members in the house of 342 and needs at least 172 lawmakers on his side to remain in the government.

He had the support of 23 members belonging to at least six political parties being part of the government as coalition partners.

Dr Ramesh Kumar Vankwani, a Hindu lawmaker, is also among the PTI lawmakers staying at the Sindh House.

“I was threatened and requested the Sindh Chief Minister to give a room here (Sindh House),” he told the Dawn News channel.

The government accused the Sindh government of abducting PTI leaders to force their loyalties by offering them huge bribes.

But Riaz told Geo News that the lawmakers were staying with their free will at the Sindh House and were ready to move out if provided assurances by the Prime Minister that they would be allowed to vote as per their conscience.

Prime Minister Khan consulted his party leaders and ministers on Thursday in the unsavoury situation where Interior Minister Sheikh Rashid urged him to impose Governor Rule in Sindh and remove its government as it was involved in buying members of the National Assembly.

“I urged the Prime Minister to impose Governor Rule in Sindh,” Rashid told the media after the meeting.

Khan was also consulting his legal team on how to disqualify the dissidents under the floor crossing laws but the law can be invoked after a lawmaker voted against his own party by ignoring the clear directions by the party leader.

As Khan’s grip on the government weakens, has decided to mobilise his support base by giving the call for a big rally in the heart of the capital on March 27, with the objective to gather one million workers.

The Opposition retaliated when the opposition asked its workers to march towards Islamabad on March 25 to occupy the D-Chowk in front of the parliament where Khan plans to hold a rally.

As the political drama unfolds, the Pakistan army is apparently viewing it from the sidelines with many experts wondering about its final move.

The army spokesman last week told the media that the military was neutral but Prime Minister Khan days after addressing a rally in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa said humans take sides as “only animals are neutral”.

No response came from the establishment to the barb but many interpreted it as a deep predicament in which Khan has landed after three-and-a-half years in power.

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