Hyderabad is home for me, says fashion designer Shravan Kummar


Deccan Chronicle

Celebrated fashion designer, Shravan Kummar, showcased an exclusive ramp collection at a luxury hotel in the city. Through his collection, he paid tributes to the rich cultural heritage of Telangana. The evening was a vibrant fete of art, music, theatre, and fashion.With Shravan’s designs taking center stage, Deccan Chronicle caught up with the designer himself to get some insights into the inspiration for his collection. Talking about his vision, Shravan said, “My approach revolves around ensuring that the essence of a garment and its cultural significance is never lost. While I don’t consider myself the best designer in the world, I believe we have one of the best work cultures. For us, what matters most is our presence and engagement in the process.”The collection was a perfect blend of contemporary and traditional elements. Underscoring the need to learn in order to grow, Shravan said, “I see myself as a learner above all. Every day is an opportunity to learn and grow, and that perspective shapes my work and approach to design.”Shravan divided the collection into three sequences, each depicting a different aspect of Telangana’s culture and the highlight was the Nizam collection for its elegant and feminine designs. “The saree is truly the most forgiving garment. It accommodates all body types, whether you’re a size 8 or 18. What matters is how beautifully you drape it and the comfort it provides. It’s not about the size; it’s about how you carry yourself and the attitude you exude,” explains Shravan.His latest collection, comprising Narayanpet sarees, was crafted with a vision to appeal to both Western clients and the British market. He says he chose to highlight Indian textiles, focusing on pochampally sarees made from khadi and linen, rather than the traditional white sarees, “I believe that India is often referred to as ‘she’—it’s mother earth, not father earth. This perspective guided our design choices, as we aimed to reflect the reality of women’s lives and their importance in our culture,” he says.Even after attaining global fame, Shravan remains grounded. “Hyderabad is home for me; it holds a special place in my heart. Despite having stores in Chicago and London, I cherish my roots here. Home is irreplaceable, much like the comfort of a mother’s lap.”Ask him about his favourite design from the collection, and he is quick to admit, “Each design is like my child, gestated for months. It’s hard to pick just one. I am an artist, not just a designer, and my taste and preferences evolve over time.”Shravan’s collection not only reflects his dedication to his craft, but also shows the fact that he takes pride in his cultural heritage. So, what is he thinking when he designs clothes? Well, Shravan says, “My ultimate goal is for people to look good in my clothes, not for my designs to overshadow their individuality. It’s about enhancing their beauty and confidence,” he signs off.

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