Sukhu highlighted the state’s financial situation, noting that Himachal Pradesh generates an annual income of Rs 16,000 crore, while expenditure on salaries and pensions amounts to Rs 27,000 crore. He emphasised the need for a sustainable financial roadmap and called for collective efforts and support from all sections of society to increase the state’s income and secure a prosperous future.He said, “Over the past two years, the present State Government has worked diligently to stabilise the derailed financial condition of the state, for which employees and officials have provided immense support.”Sukhu reiterated that all sections of society have a rightful share in the state’s resources and stated that the government was implementing significant policy changes to ensure equitable and overall development. He added, “Strengthening the rural sector of the state has always been the topmost priority for the government, and many new initiatives will be introduced in the coming months.”The Chief Minister also highlighted various schemes introduced by the Government, including the Mukhya Mantri Sukh Ashray Yojna for orphaned children, programmes for widows, and measures to support single women. He said, “These efforts reflect the commitment of the State Government to the well-being of all sections of society.”Sukhu underscored the importance of good governance and effective, technology-based training programmes for officials to achieve this goal. He remarked, “Good governance is the core mantra of the Congress Government, and HIPA plays an important role in providing quality training to the officers and officials of the state.”
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