Gujarat faces alarming spike in crimes against children


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AHMEDABAD: The rate of crimes against children in Gujarat has surged over the past three years. Additionally, government data reveals a significant increase in the number of cases registered under the Child and Adolescent Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, of 1986, within the state.On July 30, 2024, Lok Sabha MP, S. Venkatesan asked a written question in the Lok Sabha regarding the escalation of crimes against children from 2014 through 2023. In response, the Minister of Home Affairs provided a detailed breakdown of the reported cases in India, revealing a concerning trend in Gujarat. According to the data, 3,219 cases were reported in Gujarat in 2014. The cases increased to 3,623 in 2015, 3,637 in 2016, 3955 in 2017, 4929 in 2018, 4685 in 2019, 4075 in 2020, 4515 in 2021. The highest number of cases were reported in 2022 with 4,964 cases.Notably, recent data highlights a rise in such incidents, indicating a year-on-year increase over the past three years.In response to a Lok Sabha inquiry, the Minister of Labor and Employment revealed the nationwide statistics for cases registered under the Child and Adolescent Labor (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986.

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