Growing number of Germans in ICUs with coronavirus-


Growing number of Germans in ICUs with coronavirus-

By Associated Press

BERLIN: Germany’s intensive care association is calling for nationally uniform restrictions to be imposed immediately and warning that the number of COVID-19 patients requiring intensive care will hit a new high before Christmas.

German federal and state leaders are expected to decide Thursday on new measures to curb a sharp recent rise in coronavirus infections.

Chancellor-designate Olaf Scholz says he will back a proposal to mandate coronavirus vaccinations for everybody next year.

The DIVI association said Wednesday that more than 6,000 patients with COVID-19 will need intensive care treatment before Christmas and the all-time high from last year will be exceeded.

It said that more than 2,300 new patients were admitted to ICUs in the last week alone, and that transferring patients within Germany isn’t a long-term solution.

The association called for at least 1 million vaccinations, including boosters, to be administered per day.

The number of vaccinations has risen sharply in recent days but is still short of that mark, at an average 660,000 per day over the past week.

Germany on Wednesday reported its highest one-day death toll since February, with 446 more deaths bringing the country’s total so far to 101,790.

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