Govt should ensure full economic security of Nagaland victims’ families: Janhastakshep


Govt should ensure full economic security of Nagaland victims’ families: Janhastakshep

Janhastakshep unequivocally condemns the callous murder of 13 civilians in Oting village in Tiru area of Mon district of Nagaland, bordering the Indo-Myanmar border in what has been called as a ‘botched encounter’ operation carried out on the 4 December 2021.“This operation is only one among a series leading to such loss of innocent civilian lives at the hands of the Indian security forces. The matter of fact is that it is not just the operations of the forces which are botched, but the very politics, policies, intent and the morality of India’s ruling elite which is botched in as much as it seeks to ensure the unity and integrity of the country by muzzling democratic aspirations of the people under the jackboot rather than aspiring for the unity of the hearts and minds of the various Nationalities that comprise India,” Janhastakshep said in a press statement on Sunday.It said that despite the Modi government having signed the Naga Peace Accord on 3rd August 2015 with NSCN, there has been little meaningful progress towards facilitating the conditions on the ground wherein the Naga people can realise their democratic aspirations.“Janhastakshep demands a free and fair inquiry into the incident supervised by a credible authority and strictest possible punishment for those found guilty. Apart from this the onus lies on the Central and the state government of Nagaland to assuage the people of the state, and ensure fullest physical and economic security of the families of those killed in the incident,” it said.

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