Good to have a vigorous Opposition in Parliament


Good to have a vigorous Opposition in Parliament

Now, we have in these Members who sit in the Opposition every variety of opinion — I say so with all respect — and if it is represented in colours, from scarlet, various hues of red, pink and yellow to deep blue. If you represented in the normal language of the West, you have every variety in the Opposition, from the extreme left to the extreme right.They hold together, I suppose, because of the stress of circumstances and sometimes there are marriages of convenience, sometimes followed by rapid divorces, and on the whole, we find these strange bedfellows consorting together because of a certain spirit of opposition to the majority group.I do not criticise that. I am merely pointing out the fact that where you have this motley array, it is not exceedingly easy to deal with it in the matter of consultation, etc. But I do wish to make it clear that we are desirous of having that consultation and cooperation wherever it is possible.We welcome the coming to this House of the Members of the Opposition. Whoever they may be, and however much we might differ from them in many matters, we welcome them, because, undoubtedly, they represent a certain section of Indian opinion, and because it is good in a House of this kind to have a vigorous Opposition so that whether it is Government or the majority party, they do not become complacent.

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