Gehlot orders formation of committee at district level to tackle lumpy disease-


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JAIPUR: Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot on Thursday ordered the formation of a four-member committee under the chairmanship of a district collector to monitor lumpy skin diseases in cattle in the state.

The committee will have the district collector as President, and the chief executive officer of the zila parishad, the district treasury officer, and officers of the urban local bodies as members.

The district officer of the Animal Husbandry Department has been appointed as the member secretary of the committee.

The committee will provide necessary medicines for the control of the disease and its prevention at the district level.

Scientific disposal of dead animals, preparing kits of medicines and fixing their rates, regular cleaning of cowsheds, animal houses and sick animals, will be some of its tasks, an official statement said.

Urban Autonomous/Panchayat Raj institutions will also be roped in for publicity to remove misconceptions prevailing among the livestock owners and the general public about the disease, it said.

The state government is working on a war-footing for effective prevention and control of lumpy skin disease in bovines, the statement said.

PTI AG VN VN 09151826 NNNN

JAIPUR: Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot on Thursday ordered the formation of a four-member committee under the chairmanship of a district collector to monitor lumpy skin diseases in cattle in the state.

The committee will have the district collector as President, and the chief executive officer of the zila parishad, the district treasury officer, and officers of the urban local bodies as members.

The district officer of the Animal Husbandry Department has been appointed as the member secretary of the committee.

The committee will provide necessary medicines for the control of the disease and its prevention at the district level.

Scientific disposal of dead animals, preparing kits of medicines and fixing their rates, regular cleaning of cowsheds, animal houses and sick animals, will be some of its tasks, an official statement said.

Urban Autonomous/Panchayat Raj institutions will also be roped in for publicity to remove misconceptions prevailing among the livestock owners and the general public about the disease, it said.

The state government is working on a war-footing for effective prevention and control of lumpy skin disease in bovines, the statement said.

PTI AG VN VN 09151826 NNNN

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