CHANDIGARH: Following Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s vision on promoting the use of artificial intelligence (AI), a former sarpanch of Bibipur village in Haryana’s Jind district has launched a campaign to leverage this technology to improve governance, transparency and accountability in rural areas.The campaign, called ‘AI-friendly panchayat’, seeks to create awareness about the benefits of AI-powered panchayats and encourage village councils to adopt the technology for better governance. “Every gram panchayat has to make a development plan (DP) to get its funds from the government. It has to send this proposal and upload it online to get the fund. Due to workload at times proposals lack details, hence panchayats do not get the proper funds they need. By using AI this issue can be solved,” said Jaglan who transformed his village Bibipur into a model one with innovative initiatives.
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