Before Singh’s surrender, his rival Sonu Singh was arrested by the police. Sonu’s brother Monu Singh, is still at large.In a related development, former MLA’s close aide Raushan Kumar surrendered to police. Three separate FIRs have been lodged in connection with the shootout.The first FIR was lodged against dreaded criminals Sonu Singh and Monu Singh by Mukesh Singh who accused them of illegally grabbing his house.Mukesh allegedly sought the intervention of former MLA Singh who reached Nauranga Jalalpur village under Panchmahala police station to resolve the matter, leading to firing from both sides. On the other hand, Urmila Devi, the mother of Sonu Singh, filed a counter-FIR against former MLA Anant Singh and his supporters, claiming that they attacked her house during the confrontation.
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