Film on Shivaji’s son hits Shinde Sena roadblock for ‘distorting historical facts’


Film on Shivaji’s son hits Shinde Sena roadblock for ‘distorting historical facts’

Samant said producers and directors of the film should take immediate action in this regard and remove anything objectionable. “It is a matter of joy that a Hindi film is being made based on the life of Chhatrapati Sambhaji Maharaj, the protector of religion and freedom. Such efforts are necessary to make the world understand the history of Chhatrapati. However, many have expressed their opinions that there are some objectionable scenes in this film,” he said. “Our position is that this film should not be released without first showing it to experts and knowledgeable people,” he added.Earlier, Sambhaji Maharaj, former BJP Rajya Sabha MP and descendant of Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, also raised the concern over the film showing Sambhaji dancing. “How many people will be convinced about this dance scene of Sambhaji Maharaj? Is it right to portray a serious historical figure in this way? The film has to be made on historical figures to spread their work to the next generation but precautions have to be taken. We cannot portray the Maharaj in the wrong way just to make the film more entertaining,” he said.This film has also sparked a debate on social media. While some call such objectionable scenes an insult to Maratha pride, others demand clarification from the filmmakers.

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