Kisan Mazdoor Morcha convener Sarwan Singh Pandher claimed that the traders, transporters, employees unions, toll plaza workers, labour, ex-servicemen, sarpanches, teachers’ unions, social and other bodies, and some other sections have supported the bandh.”The emergency services will be allowed as ambulances will be given way; and also to people going to the airport to catch international flights, candidates going to give interviews, marriages processions or anyone in a dire emergency,’’ he said.The protesters have also announced plans to hold a Kisan Mahapanchayat at the Khanauri protest site on January 4.With Dallewal’s indefinite hunger strike entering its 34th day today farmer leaders at Khanauri said they have been following the Gandhian way to continue their protest and it is up to the government to decide whether it wants to use force to evict their senior leader.Their statement comes amid the Supreme Court’s strong criticism of the Punjab government for not shifting Dallewal to a hospital. The farmers have been protesting at the Punjab-Haryana border to press the Centre for several demands, including a legal guarantee for a minimum support price (MSP) for crops.
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