Hyderabad: A 35-year-old woman, K Nagamani was murdered allegedly by her in-laws and husband and buried the body outside the house at Signal Colony in Mahabubabad. The gruesome incident took place four days ago but it came to light on Thursday as foul smell started emanating from the house. Villagers alerted the police, who rushed to the spot and started investigation. The police also exhumed the body of Nagamani to ascertain the reasons behind her death. After committing the offence, Nagamani’s mother-in-law K Lakshmi, father-in-law Ramulu, husband Gopi, sister-in-law Durga and her husband Mahender fled the village. On coming to know about the incident, scores of people from neighbouring villages at Signal Colony came to the spot and enquired about the incident. Senior police officials said the efforts were on to know the cause of the woman’s death. “We will be able to know the exact reasons only after getting the autopsy report,” they added.
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