Factional fight deepens in Gujarat BJP as former minister writes letter to Modi


Factional fight deepens in Gujarat BJP as former minister writes letter to Modi

The letter further accused Patel, who has been in office for nine years, of “misusing” his position to secure multiple roles, holding three posts simultaneously as district president, bank president, and market yard president.Chavda alleged that Patel has presided over the market yards of three talukas—Talala, Visavadar, and Junagadh—spanning two districts. “Perhaps for the first time in India, there has been such a frenzy of mutual transfers of presidencies,” he wrote, adding that “this can only happen with a knack for abusing power and a habit of scheming?”He claimed that levies and confiscations have overrun have various departments under Patel’s influence. “Despite repeatedly raising concerns with leaders like Kanubhai Bhalala, Thakarshibhai Javia, and Madhabhai Boricha, this issue never reached you. Somewhere, someone buried it under their watchful eye,” he wrote. Chavda said he felt compelled to make the letter public so it could reach the top leadership, accusing Patel’s “criminal negligence and corruption”.

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