
After that DCF will prepare a report and forward the application to state’s Chief WildLife Warden (CWLW). The rules authorize the CWLW to examine the report and take a call of accepting or rejecting the application.In case of transferring it to outside states, the doner state’s CWLW will forward the application with a report to recipient state’s CWLW. The recipient state official will examine in detail the donors as well as the recipient facility and take calls on the proposed elephants.   The rules set conditions for transportation of the elephant within three months of the date of grant of permission. It says the elephant shall be accompanied by a mahout and an elephant assistant, a health certificate from a veterinary practitioner to the effect that the elephant is fit for transport and is not showing any sign of musth or infectious or contagious disease.It also states that the transport shall be carried out after the mandatory quarantine period as advised by the veterinary practitioner is over, in case of contagious disease. Besides, the donor elephant should be properly fed and given water before loading and necessary arrangement during transportation.It also allowed use of  tranquilizers/sedatives to control nervous or temperamental elephants upon prescription by the veterinary practitioner.“No transfer of an elephant is permissible unless its genetic profile is entered in the electronic monitoring application of the ministry,” the notification said.


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