LUCKNOW: Micheal, an ex-soldier in US Army, is drawing huge crowd as Baba Mokshpuri, on the banks of Sangam during Mahakumbh. Hailing from New Maxico, Baba Mokshpuri embraced Sanatan in his quest to get Moksh, the salvation.His journey of transformation from Michael to Baba Mokshpuri was spurred by the tragic demise of his son.”I was an ordinary person who always valued spending time with my family, my wife. Travelling was one of my passions. But my life changed when I realised the mortal existence of worldly pursuits, as nothing is permanent here. This thought drove me to embark up on a journey to salvation,” says Baba Mokshpuri.Today, as a dedicated member of Juna Akhara, one of the most prominent of the 13 Akharas, Baba Mokshpuri has devoted his life to promote Sanatan Dharma.Actually, Baba Mokshpuri started his journey to salvation through Sanatan in year 2000 when he first visited India with his family.”That trip was a turning point in my life,” he recalls. “I discovered meditation, yoga, and the essence of Sanatan Dharma. The richness of Indian culture and traditions deeply moved me, igniting my spiritual awakening which, I feel, was a divine calling,” says the Baba.
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