Visakhapatnam: A group of four intoxicated individuals, including an armed reserve constable, assaulted a truck driver in the early hours of Thursday at the Indian Oil terminal in the M1 block. The suspects have been identified as Behera Lokse (36), Devpalli Rajesh Raju (28), Tammada Balashankar, and constable Cheveti Narendra. In a press release issued on Thursday, the Visakhapatnam city police confirmed that all four individuals were friends and had attacked the driver while under the influence of alcohol. The driver is now stable and is expected to be discharged from the hospital on late Thursday night. The police arrived at the scene within 15 minutes and arrested all four suspects, and the constable has been suspended. Sources indicate that the constable was already under suspension for a previous incident, and a new case has been registered against all four suspects, who are currently in custody.
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