The ritual was attended by Singh’s wife, Gursharan Kaur, and his three daughters, Upinder Singh, Daman Singh and Amrit Singh, along with other close relatives,” a source said. He said that none of the senior Congress leaders or the Gandhi family could be seen accompanying the family at the immersion site.On January 3, an ‘Akhand Path’ would be held at the late PM’s official residence 3, Motilal Nehru Marg, while some prayers were also held on Sunday at the Gurudwara.Sources close to the Singh family said that a traditional “blog ceremony, ‘Antim Ardas’ and ‘kirtan’, have also been planned on the same day at the Rakab Ganj Gurdwara, located near the Parliament complex.Paying its tribute to the late leader, the Congress, in an X post, said, “We all will always remember Manmohan Singh Ji’s service to the nation, his dedication and simplicity”.
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