Don’t fear examinations: Kishan Reddy to students


State BJP chief Bandi Sanjay Kumar and BJP state-in-chief Tarun Chugh felicitae students during 'Pariksha pe Charcha' at Hindu Public School, Sanath Nagar. (K. Durga Rao)

Hyderabad: Following the lead of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who held a ‘Pariksha pe Charcha’ with students in New Delhi on Friday, Union minister G. Kishan Reddy, and state BJP president Bandi Sanjay Kumar on Friday called on students to overcome the fear of examinations.

Addressing students at a private school in Banjara Hills, Kishan Reddy said that if every student followed the Prime Minister’s advice, they would undoubtedly be successful.

“Self-confidence and punctuality are keys to success. By 2047, our country will celebrate the centenary of independence. It becomes our prime responsibility to work hard for the next 25 years for the success of oneself and the nation, to raise the dignity of India, eradicate corruption and poverty to make India a global leader,” Kishan Reddy said.

Sanjay along with party general secretary Tarun Chugh attended the programme at another school in Sanatnagar and interacted with students there. Sanjay told the students that they should compete against themselves, and treat education not as something to learn things by rote but as an exercise in gaining knowledge. He also called on parents not to exert undue pressure on their children in the pursuit of ranks.

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