Did Kejriwal impact BJP actions?-


Did Kejriwal impact BJP actions?-

Express News Service

Did Kejriwal impact BJP actions? Since Bhupendra Patel became the Chief Minister, C R Patil has been a constant presence beside him in nearly every government function. However, Arvind Kejriwal ceaselessly criticising Patil may have changed the minds of those in BJP’s echelons. But sources said that a fresh order has come from high command calling on the party organisation and the state chief do the work of the party – and the CM do the work of the government. In concurrence, Patil has now began sticking to BJP programmes in Gujarat alone. Probably following the order, Patil has rolled out the ‘One day, One district’ programme where he spends a day in one district, every day from 10 am to at 10 am the following day. 

Vishwas vs AAP in Gujarat elections?Kumar Vishwas, who left the AAP, had some success in labelling Kejriwal as ‘Khalistani’ during the Punjab elections – while its carryover in the BJP quarters was not as impactful. However, media circles are abuzz with speculations about the singer-turned-politician joining the BJP. A few days back Vishwas organised the ‘Apne Apne Ram’ programme in Ahmedabad, originally planned by the BJP-allied Ram Seva Samiti. BJP’s media in-charge Yagnesh Dave was the organising committee head. Nevertheless, Vishwas’s programme cum press meet saw a hasty opening and was canceled at the last minute. Sources said the BJP was deterred by the fact that journalists might quiz them on Vishwas’ and BJP’s relationship. 

Attention on Congress defectors irks BJP netasIt is rumored that some BJP leaders from Sabarkantha and Aravalli districts are offended by the inclusion of Congress leader Ashwin Kotwal in the BJP, against whom they had contested against and lost in the 2007 and 2017 elections. The main name making the rounds is MP Ramilaben Bara who – according to sources – was not present when Kotwal was inducted into the BJP. All other BJP leader from these two districts were present. When Kotwal came to join the BJP with thousands of supporters in a long roadshow, his joining ceremony was completed in half an hour. There is a lot of resentment among the party leaders over how the BJP is hauling in a large number of Congress leaders these days.

Dilip Singh KshatriyaOur correspondent in Gujarat, dilipsingh@ newindianexpress.com

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