Despite Rs 2,879 crore allocated to Poshan Abhiyaan, Gujarat faces alarming malnutrition, anaemia rates


Despite Rs 2,879 crore allocated to Poshan Abhiyaan, Gujarat faces alarming malnutrition, anaemia rates

The data highlights a steady increase in budgetary allocations over the past three years, reflecting the government’s intensified efforts to tackle nutritional challenges nationwide. However, Government data reveals a steady decline in beneficiaries under the “Poshan Abhiyaan-NNM” scheme over the past three years in Gujarat.In 2021-22, the program reached 42,87,408 beneficiaries, which dropped to 40,47,017 in 2022-23 and further decreased to 37,82,803 by March 2024 in Gujarat. Despite significant government spending to combat malnutrition, its severe impact remains evident in Gujarat, highlighting a pressing concern.The Government of India informed the Rajya Sabha that malnutrition rates in Gujarat As of October 2024, 40.8 per cent of children aged 0-5 years are stunted, 7.8 per cent are wasted, and 21 per cent are underweight.

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