NEW DELHI: Just days after a Bengaluru techie took his own life over alleged harassment by his wife amid divorce and child custody proceedings, another tragic case has emerged from the Model Town area of Delhi.Puneet Khurana, a 39-year-old cafe owner, was found dead at his residence in Kalyan Vihar on Tuesday afternoon.Puneet, who was fighting an acrimonious divorce case with his wife Manika, reportedly faced continuous threats and pressure, according to his family and friends.The couple had been married for eight years and were partners in their cafe business. However, they had been living apart for the last two years following frequent disputes.Detailing the events leading to the incident, one of Puneet’s friends said, “He called us on Monday evening, saying he was under immense stress and needed to talk. He expressed concern that Manika’s family might harm his father and other relatives. We stayed with him till 2 a.m., trying to reassure him that justice and the law were on his side. He seemed very scared despite our efforts to console him.”Another friend added, “Puneet was a strong person, but the threats targeting his parents placed him under immense pressure.”Puneet’s sister echoed similar sentiments, revealing that despite the settlement of financial and business disputes between the couple, he continued to receive threats from his wife’s family.
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