‘Deadline for global air ops not easy’-


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Express News Service

NEW DELHI: Restarting international operations by March 27 is proving to be an uphill task for domestic carriers because they would have to overhaul and reschedule their operations. Considering the time they have, it is going to be an organisational and logistical challenge.

“Our load factors were just about picking up in the domestic sector and restarting international operations would mean restructuring all ongoing operations. … We are trying to streamline our schedules in a way that we can optimally utilise the aircraft.

Also, pilots and crew have to be redeployed for the international sector, so there is a lot of work,’’ said an official of a leading domestic carrier. Airlines are not sure of the viability of all international sectors as many passengers may not be wanting to fly due to the war in Ukraine and the aftermath of Covid.

Tatas, who have four carriers under their banner would offer the largest network of international destinations. Whether they rationalise the routes and fly as a single entity, or fly as competitors on the same route one would have to see.

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