Hyderabad: Telangana Drugs Control Administration (DCA) conducted raids on clinics operated by quacks and seized illegally stocked drugs intended for sale at Thopucherla village in Nalgonda and Mallampet village at Dundigal-Gandimaisamma in Medchal-Malkajgiri district. Since January 2024, the DCA has, so far, registered cases against 141 quacks for the illegal stocking and sale of drugs. Based on credible information, officials from the DCA raided the premises of quacks, who were claiming themselves as Rural Medical Practitioners and practicing medicine without proper qualifications at their clinics. Medicines, including antibiotics, anti-ulcer drugs, analgesics, etc., were found stocked at the premises. The officials detected several ‘antibiotics’ – Cefpodoxime, Amoxycillin etc., at the clinics during the raids. Indiscriminate sale of antibiotics by unqualified persons may have disastrous consequences on the health of rural public, including emergence of ‘Antimicrobial Resistance’. Stocks worth Rs. 59,525 were seized during the raids, according to DCA Director-General V.B. Kamalasan Reddy. In a separate raid, the DCA officials detected an ayurvedic medicine ‘Mak-Plate Syrup,’ moving in the market with misleading claim on its labels that it treats fever and dengue which is a contravention of the Drugs and Magic Remedies (Objectionable Advertisements) Act-1954.
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