New Delhi: The Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) on Monday stated that the depression, a remnant of Cyclonic Storm Fengal over the north coastal Tamil Nadu and Puducherry, moved west-northwestward at a speed of 7 km/h during the past six hours and was centred at 11:30 pm on December 1 (Sunday).”The depression (remnant of Cyclonic Storm Fengal) over the north coastal Tamil Nadu & Puducherry moved west-northwestward at a speed of 7 km/h during the past six hours and was centered at 23:30 IST on December 1, 2024, near latitude 12.2°N and longitude 79.2°E, about 40 km northwest of Villupuram, 70 km west-northwest of Puducherry, about 80 km northwest of Cuddalore, and 140 km southwest of Chennai,” the IMD posted on X.”It is likely to continue moving west-northwestward and gradually weaken into a well-marked low-pressure area over north interior Tamil Nadu during the next six hours. The remnant low-pressure area is expected to emerge over the southeast and adjoining east-central Arabian Sea off the north Kerala-Karnataka coasts around December 3, 2024. The system is being continuously monitored by the Doppler Weather Radar at Karaikal,” the IMD added.Speaking on the cyclone situation in Puducherry, Lieutenant Governor Kailashnathan said, “This has been one of the highest rainfalls in Puducherry. In the last 24 hours, we recorded 48.6 cm of rainfall. The drainage infrastructure is not capable of draining such a large quantity of downpour in a day. Electric substations have been submerged, and we had to shut down the power supply. A lot of trees have fallen, many on electric lines, and those lines need to be restored. By tonight, all substations will be re-energized.”Meanwhile, due to heavy rainfall caused by Cyclone Fengal, a holiday has been declared for Monday in all government and government-aided schools, private schools, and colleges in Puducherry, said the Union Territory’s Education Minister A. Namachivayam on Sunday. A holiday has also been declared in schools and colleges in Villupuram, Cuddalore, Vellore, and Ranipet districts of Tamil Nadu. The announcement was made by the respective local administrations due to the bad weather conditions caused by Cyclone Fengal.Heavy rainfall has been recorded in several parts of Tamil Nadu since Saturday morning. Cyclone Fengal, which made landfall on the coasts of Tamil Nadu and Puducherry on Saturday, November 30, has caused widespread flooding in several areas, particularly in Cuddalore.
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