Couple murder man in five-star hotel in Guwahati for forcing and blackmailing girl to marry him, arrested


Couple murder man in five-star hotel in Guwahati for forcing and blackmailing girl to marry him, arrested

Sandeep became aggressive and started contacting her family members and Vikash to try to force her to marry him. He also shared his and Anjali’s intimate photographs with Vikash.“When Anjali could not bear the torture any longer, she along with her boyfriend hatched a plan to meet Sandeep and snatch his phones so that they can halt the blackmailing sessions,” the police said. “They decided that Anjali would plan a meeting with Sandeep in Kolkata and then, Vikash would also join them and together they would overpower him and take away his phones,” the police added.The duo planned on sedating Sandeep and accordingly, Anjali brought anti-depressant/sleeping pills and alcohol-infused laddoos to feed Sandeep. The accused also got five pieces of ropes to tie the victim once he is sedated.However, Sandeep declined to meet Anjali in Kolkata instead agreed to meet her in Guwahati. “Anjali kept the door of their hotel room open so Vikash could enter. Around 2 pm, Vikash entered the room of Anjali and Sandeep as planned,” said the police.

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