Congress chief Sonia Gandhi slams Centre’s ‘sell it all’ initiative-


Congress chief Sonia Gandhi slams Centre's 'sell it all' initiative-

Express News Service

NEW DELHI: Congress president Sonia Gandhi on Saturday accused the NDA government of selling the country’s interest and leaving the people to fend for themselves amid rising commodity prices.

“Becho, becho, becho (sell, sell sell)! This is what Prime Minister Modi’s government is doing in the country by putting the economy in jeopardy. Farm laws, inflation, security and many other issues pertaining to the nation’s well-being have gone beyond the control of the government, leaving the people fending for themselves and their survival,” she said at the first in-person meeting of the Congress Working Committee after the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Launching a scathing attack on the National Demoratic Alliance government headed by BJP, she said: “There has always been a broad consensus on foreign and neighbourhood policies in our country. But that consensus has been damaged because of the prime minister’s continued reluctance to take the Opposition into confidence in any meaningful manner.”

Sonia lashed out at the Central government on its foreign policy and stated that this has become a ‘diabolical’ instrument of electoral mobilisation and polarisation.

“Of late, we are facing serious challenges at our borders and other fronts also. But the prime minister told the nation that there was no occupation of our territory by China. Since then, the prime minister’s silence has been intriguing and costing our nation dearly,” Sonia alleged, adding that to rescue the country Congress needs to work in united manner.

Calm after last year’s storm

NEW DELHI: The Congress Working Committee meeting on Saturday was a sedate affair compared to the turbulence witnessed at the virtual meeting held last year.  In 2020, there were accusations, threats and other upheavals. Sonia Gandhi got fed up and offered to quit.

This time, there was no acrimony. Those who wanted put forward their views in the party’s interest, said insiders.

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