Congress accuses PM Modi of politicising government employees after lifting of RSS participation ban


Congress accuses PM Modi of politicising government employees after lifting of RSS participation ban

NEW DELHI: The Congress on Monday slammed the Centre over its order removing the ban on the participation of government employees in RSS activities, alleging that Prime Minister Narendra Modi wants to politicise employees on an ideological basis.The attack by the Congress, which also said that the move would be a challenge to the sense of neutrality of public servants, came after a government order became public about the ban being lifted and several opposition leaders criticised it.In a post on X, Congress president Mallikarjun Kharge said on this day in 1947, India adopted its National Flag but the RSS opposed the Tricolour, and Sardar Patel had warned them against it.”Sardar Patel had also banned RSS after Gandhi ji’s assassination on February 4, 1948. Modi ji has lifted a 1966 ban on government servants attending RSS activities, after 58 years,” he said.”We know how BJP is using RSS to institutionally take over all Constitutional and autonomous bodies. By lifting the ban on government employees from participating in RSS activities, Modi ji wants to politicise government offices and employees on ideological basis,” Kharge alleged.This will be a challenge to the sense of neutrality of public servants in government offices and the supremacy of the Constitution, he said.The government is probably taking these steps because the people defeated its “nefarious intent to change the Constitution”, he alleged.”The Modi government continues its efforts to take control over Constitutional bodies and work its way in through the back door and tamper with the Constitution,” Kharge alleged.”This is also a violation of the apology and assurance given by RSS to Sardar Patel in which they had promised that RSS will work as a social organisation without any political agenda, in accordance with the Constitution of India,” he said.Kharge asserted that the Opposition shall continue its efforts to protect the country’s Constitution and its democracy.His remarks come a day after Congress general secretary of communications Jairam Ramesh shared an office memorandum, dated July 9, issued by the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pension pertaining to the participation of the government servants in the activities of the RSS.”The undersigned is directed to refer to the OM (office memorandum)..dated 30.11.1966, OM No.7/4/70-Est.(B) dated 25.07.1970 and OM No.15014/3(S)/80- Estt.(B) dated 28.10.1980 on the above subject.2. The aforesaid instructions have been reviewed and it has been decided to remove the mention of Rashtriya Swayam Sewak Sangh (R.S.S.S) from the impugned OMs dated 30.11.1966, 25.07.1970 and 28.10. 1980,” the order read.In a post along with the picture of the order, Ramesh said on Sunday, “Sardar Patel had banned the RSS in February 1948 following Gandhi ji’s assassination. Subsequently, the ban was withdrawn on assurances of good behaviour. Even after this the RSS never flew the Tiranga in Nagpur.” In 1966, a ban was imposed – and rightly so – on government employees taking part in RSS activities, Ramesh said.

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