Sharing the latest medical reports, SKM (Non-Political) leader Abhimanyu Kohar said, “The tests conducted on Thursday indicate that Dallewal’s condition is not at all good. The results are alarming. His uric acid level, which should be between 3.50 and 7.20, is more than 11.64. His protein levels are very low, and his ketone levels, which should be between 0.02 and 0.27, are more than 6.53—some 25 to 30 times higher.” “His direct bilirubin level is 0.69, whereas it should be less than 0.20. The liver and kidney panel serum result is 1.67, which should be below 1.00. Additionally, his chloride, potassium, and sodium levels are low,” Kohar added. Considering Dallewal’s alarming health condition, SKM requested its leaders and the Kisan Mazdoor Sangharsh Morcha to attend the meeting planned for January 15 at Patiala. “They came to the Khanauri morcha yesterday to meet Dallewal and called for unity. We are requesting the SKM leaders to come to the Khanauri morcha tomorrow or the day after and hold discussions here, as Dallewal’s health is deteriorating day by day,” SKM leader Surjit Singh said. “Every minute is crucial, and we cannot leave the morcha to go to another place for the meeting. We have sent a letter to the SKM leadership in this regard. We hope these leaders will help further strengthen and expand the ongoing movement for the 13 demands, including the MSP guarantee law,” he added. A medical team from Rajindra Medical College and Mata Kaushalya Hospital, Patiala, is deployed at Khanauri to continuously monitor Dallewal’s health.Two advanced life support ambulances are stationed there around the clock. A temporary hospital equipped with emergency equipment and medicines has been set up 700 metres from the protest site.Additionally, tractor-trailers have been welded together at the protest site, where over 700 volunteers maintain a night vigil near the area where Dallewal is fasting.On Thursday, a high-level team of doctors, led by Punjab’s Principal Secretary of Health, Kumar Rahul, visited Khanauri to examine Dallewal. They took blood samples and performed an abdominal ultrasound.
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