Superstar Rajinikanth turned 74 on December 12, with fans from across the world flooding social media with heartfelt wishes and tributes to honor the legendary actor.Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M.K. Stalin extended his warm birthday greetings to the superstar in a post on X. “Happy birthday to my wonderful friend, Superstar @rajinikanth, who has crossed borders and made everyone from six to sixty fans with his acting and style! I wish you, who have been accumulating continuous successes in the film industry, to always be peaceful and happy and to please people,” wrote Stalin, using the hashtag #HBDSuperstarRajinikanth.எல்லைகள் கடந்து ஆறிலிருந்து அறுபதுவரை அனைவரையும் தன்னுடைய நடிப்பால் – ஸ்டைலால் ரசிகர்களாக்கிக் கொண்ட அருமை நண்பர் சூப்பர்ஸ்டார் திரு. @rajinikanth அவர்களுக்கு என் பிறந்தநாள் நல்வாழ்த்துகள்!திரையுலகில் தொடர் வெற்றிகளைக் குவித்து வரும் தாங்கள், எப்போதும் அமைதியோடும்…— M.K.Stalin (@mkstalin) December 12, 2024 Rajinikanth, lovingly called “Thalaiva” by his fans, has a career spanning over four decades. He has acted in films across multiple languages, including Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Hindi, and English. His signature style, magnetic screen presence, and ability to connect with audiences have cemented his status as a cultural phenomenon.As Rajinikanth celebrates his birthday, fans continue to revel in his cinematic legacy, showering the superstar with love and admiration on social media.
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