CHANDIGARH: Slamming the Union Government for its step-motherly treatment towards Punjab, Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann said the Centre should accept the farmers’ demands. He added that the government’s apathetic attitude has forced farmers to agitate even on Republic Day.“The tractor which is king of the fields, has to ply on roads towards Delhi instead of producing food grains due to the callous attitude of the Union government,” he added.Addressing the gathering after unfurling the national tricolour at the 76th Republic Day function in Patiala’s Polo Ground, Chief Minister Mann said that, in the more than seven decades since independence, Punjab had suffered inexplicable discrimination from central governments in the form of regressive and ruinous policies.He said it is unfortunate that the farmers, who made the country self-reliant in food production, have been forced to agitate on Republic Day as well. He added that, due to the apathetic attitude of the central government, the hands that feed the country are now forced to resort to hunger strikes to have their demands fulfilled.Mann said the Centre should accept the demands of the farmers so they can serve the country well, adding that the plight of farmers, due to the cold shoulder of the Union government, hurts every Indian who believes in constitutional values.“The central government should stop the step-motherly treatment towards Punjab and its hard-working people,” he said.
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