There should not be posters and hoardings of VIPs on every wall, bus and car, Kharge said.”For our youth, women, farmers, farm labourers, workers, gig workers, labourers, middle class and the poor, the BJP government has given them nothing but betrayal and disappointment in the last 10 years,” he added.Kharge alleged that Dalits, tribals and backward classes were only facing the brunt of the BJP’s “atrocities and misdeeds”.”Sasaram, Bihar, MP Manoj Ram was attacked, he is being brought to AIIMS, Delhi, for treatment. If this is the condition of an MP, just imagine what the condition of law and order is in the double-engine government. If an MP is not safe, what will be the condition of the common people?” he asked.People of the RSS-BJP think that they can impose their will by intimidation but this does not happen, he said.”In the president’s speech, after every scheme, it is said that ‘this will help in generating employment’. But it is not stated where the two crore jobs that were promised annually have disappeared in 10 years.” Kharge said.The middle class is facing a continuous decline in savings due to “tax terrorism” and skyrocketing inflation, he said.
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