Citing Sardar Patel, Rajasthan CM Ashok Gehlot urges PM to lay aside proposed amendment to IAS Cadre Rules


Citing Sardar Patel, Rajasthan CM Ashok Gehlot urges PM to lay aside proposed amendment to IAS Cadre Rules

What are the proposed amendments?“The Union Personnel Ministry has decided to amend existing service rules to ensure the availability of a sufficient number of IAS officers for Central deputation. The proposal which will give a greater say to the Union government came as various state/joint cadres were found to be not sponsoring an adequate number of Indian Administrative Service (IAS) officers as part of the central deputation reserve even though the ministry had flagged the issue several times.As a result of this, the number of officers available for central deputation is not sufficient to meet the requirement at the Union government, the Personnel Ministry said in the proposal seeking changes in the IAS (cadre) Rules, 1954. The proposed amendments are being strongly opposed by the states.Seeking to change the rules, the Union government has proposed that each state government shall make available for deputation to the Union government such a number of eligible officers of various levels to the extent of the Central Deputation Reserve prescribed under existing regulations, adjusted proportionately by the number of officers available with the state government concerned vis-a-vis the total authorised strength of the state cadre at a given point of time.The actual number of officers to be deputed to the Union government shall be decided by it in consultation with the state government concerned, the new rule proposes. In case of any disagreement, the matter shall be decided by the Union government and the state government or state governments concerned shall give effect to the decision of the Union government within a specified time, it has proposed. Existing rules did not mention any time limit for deciding on such disagreement.The proposal to change the rules was sent to the chief secretaries of all the state governments on December 20, 2021. They were asked to furnish their comments by January 5, 2022. The Union government had in June last year asked all state governments to nominate more officers for central deputation at the level of deputy secretary, director and joint secretary, citing their shortage.Officers of the level of deputy secretary/director and above are usually appointed in Union government ministries/ departments (i.e. on central deputation) under the Central Staffing Scheme (CSS). Every cadre from a state/states or states and union territories — is allowed a deputation reserve to ensure that officers have the opportunity to work on deputation including that under the Central Staffing Scheme, which adds to their experience.”It is requested that a larger number of officers may kindly be recommended for the appointment at DS/Director/JS level under the Central Staffing Scheme so that the central deputation reserve/ deputation reserves are duly utilised for this purpose”, the Personnel Ministry had said in a communique.Reacting to the proposed amendment, Gehot said that after the amendments, the Union government will be able to call the officers on deputation without the consent of the state government where the officer has been posted under the cadre allotment.Gehlot said that the framers of our Constitution thoughtfully conceptualised the All India Services keeping in view the public welfare and the spirit of federalism.“ With this amendment, the services conceptualized by Sardar Patel will weaken and the goals set by the Constitution would be further weakened. These proposed amendments will also affect the prevailing relations between the Centre and the state in the matter of postings of the officers. The proposed amendments will affect the state administration due to the lack of consent of the states in the deputation of the officers. The state will also face a shortage of officers in the implementation of its plans and policies.”Gehlot urged Prime Minister Narendra Modi to personally intervene and shelve the proposed amendment in the best interest and spirit of the federalism developed by the framers of the Constitution

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