After ten years of service, “personnel will become eligible for choice posting”, he said, adding that then the jawans “will submit a transfer request to force headquarters, including a list of ten preferred posting locations”. The force headquarters will ensure that the jawan or non-gazetted officer is transferred to one of these preferred locations, he said, noting that those who are retiring would be given special preference to allow personnel to better manage family responsibilities during their transition to civilian life and prepare for retirement.Noting that the number of women in the force’s strength is increasing rapidly, the official said keeping this in mind a special provision has been made in the new transfer policy so that they can better balance duty and home. Under these special provisions, husband and wife working in CISF will now be able to get a posting in the same location, he said.Meanwhile, the period of non-choice posting for women force members “will be six years” and after the period she can request a transfer to their husband’s location. This provision applies even if the husband is employed outside the CISF. Currently, approximately 5,800 couples are employed within the CISF, according to the official.
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