China could have 1,000 nuclear warheads ready by 2030: Pentagon


China could have 1,000 nuclear warheads ready by 2030: Pentagon

The Pentagon report was based on information collected through December 2020 and so does not reflect or even mention Gen. Mark Milley’s expression of concern last month about Chinese hypersonic weapon tests last summer that he said came as a troublesome surprise. Wednesday’s report only referred to the widely known fact that China had fielded the DF-17 medium-range ballistic missile, equipped with a hypersonic glide vehicle designed to evade American missile defenses.In remarks shortly before the report’s release Wednesday, Milley told the Aspen Security Forum that the hypersonic missile test and other Chinese advances are evidence of what is at stake for the world.”We are witnessing one of the largest shifts in global and geostrategic power that the world has witnessed, he said.The Pentagon report said China is pursuing a network of overseas bases that could interfere with US military operations and could support Chinese military operations against the United States. President Xi Jinping has said China plans to become a global military power by 2049.The Pentagon’s wide-ranging assessment of China’s military strategy and force development is the latest in an annual series of reports to Congress and in some respects was more detailed than previous versions. For example, it questioned China’s compliance with international biological and chemical weapons agreements, citing studies conducted at military medical institutions that discussed identifying, testing and characterizing groups of potent toxins that have civilian as well as military uses.The basis of the Pentagon’s prediction that China will vastly increase its nuclear arsenal is not spelled out in Wednesday’s report. A senior defense official who briefed reporters in advance of the report’s public release, and thus spoke on condition of anonymity, said the forecast reflects several known developments, such as China’s addition of a nuclear bomber capability, as well as public statements in Chinese official media that have made reference to China needing 1,000 nuclear weapons.The report also asserted that China has begun construction of at least three new missile fields that cumulatively contain hundreds of underground silos from which ICBMs could be launched.The report provided no details on the new missile fields, but private nuclear analysts have reported that satellite imagery shows what appear to be vast new missile silo fields under construction in north-central China.In an update published Tuesday, analysts Matt Korda and Hans Kristensen of the Federation of American Scientists said they have seen continued construction progress and have discovered unique facilities that appear intended to support missile operations once the silo fields become operational.One of those facilities, they said, is a complex in the mountains surrounded by what appear to be four tunnels into underground facilities. The tunnels are under construction and there are large amounts of excavated soil dumped nearby. This facility’s function is unknown but could potentially involve missile and/or warhead storage and management, the analysts said.Other structures under construction may be technical service facilities and launch control centers, they said.

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