Chile ceramics, Colombian wisdom get UNESCO heritage status-


Chile ceramics, Colombian wisdom get UNESCO heritage status-


SANTIAGO: Two social traditions from South America were honoured on Tuesday as UNESCO recognized the rapidly disappearing skill required to make black pottery in Chile and the ancient knowledge of Colombian Indigenous groups as intangible cultural heritage practices.

The United Nations’ cultural agency wrote on Twitter that it had added the centuries-old ceramics skills of main women in the Chilean towns of Quinchamali and Santa Cruz de Cuca to its list of cultural heritage in need of urgent preservation.

BREAKINGNew inscription on the Urgent Safeguarding List of #IntangibleHeritage: Quinchamalí and Santa Cruz de Cuca pottery, #Chil #LivingHeritage
— UNESCO #Education #Sciences #Culture

SANTIAGO: Two social traditions from South America were honoured on Tuesday as UNESCO recognized the rapidly disappearing skill required to make black pottery in Chile and the ancient knowledge of Colombian Indigenous groups as intangible cultural heritage practices.

The United Nations’ cultural agency wrote on Twitter that it had added the centuries-old ceramics skills of main women in the Chilean towns of Quinchamali and Santa Cruz de Cuca to its list of cultural heritage in need of urgent preservation.

New inscription on the Urgent Safeguarding List of #IntangibleHeritage: Quinchamalí and Santa Cruz de Cuca pottery, #Chil #LivingHeritage
— UNESCO #Education #Sciences #Culture

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