A government spokesperson said that Kanger Valley is not just a forest, it is an incredible realm that for many, appears like a fairy tale world. The region, with more than 15 mysterious caves such as Kotamsar, Kailash and Dandak caves, looks no less than a mystical world. The 15 limestone caves in the Valley are not only geological wonders but also narrate archaeological stories.Various rare animals—otters, mouse deer, giant squirrels, Lethis softshell turtles, and wild wolves, among others thrive in this park. More than 200 bird species wing their way above in the sky with a colorful carpet of over 900 plants on the ground. Across this bio-geography landscape, over 140 different butterflies fill the air with colour.In the surrounding villages inhabited by Dhruva and Gond tribes, the Kanger Valley forest is not just a jungle but a part of their culture and life. With the increase in tourism, new employment opportunities will also open up for the locals.A few months ago, Dhudmaras village of Bastar gained the attention of the world with its simplicity and has been included in the top 20 villages of the world by joining the UNWTO’s “Best Tourist Village” promotion programme. Now Kanger Valley has taken the regional glory to another height.
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