Chhattisgarh Maoists go after ‘soft targets’, kill 29 villagers this year-


Chhattisgarh Maoists go after ‘soft targets’, kill 29 villagers this year-

Express News Service

RAIPUR:  This year, particularly the summer, was relatively peaceful in the conflict zone of Bastar, perhaps for the first time in several years. However, the outlawed CPI (Maoist), apparently pushed on the back foot by security forces is now retaliating by turning to soft targets to register their presence.

In 10 months this year, the Maoists have killed 29 villagers, most of them put to death in their jan-adalat (kangaroo court), which they had organised in different districts of Bastar. During the same duration, eight security personnel died in the clash with the rebels. 

The local civilians continue to face the brutalities of the left-wing extremists as soft targets who are punished in full public view after levelling allegations of being police informer or supporter. Attacking soft targets like unarmed villagers, local public representatives  and public properties are the age-old modus operandi of the banned Maoist outfits.

“In Bastar Range, though civilian killings have reduced to a great extent from 279 in the year 2006 to 29 in 2022, it is still an area of major concern in left-wing extremist affected areas. The Maoists are grossly mistaken that such killings would deter other villagers who have realised the malicious face and hollow ideology of the banned organisation,” Sundarraj P, inspector general of police (Bastar Range) told this newspaper.

We are committed to wipe out the Maoist activities, ensure peace and development in the region, the IG added. According to the guerrilla warfare experts, such violent killings of the innocent villagers might not get approval from top leadership of Maoists who rely on the mass support for their movement. 

“The soft targets cannot retaliate. Maoist cadres surrendering, getting caught or killed frustrate them, so they look for soft options. Even the IEDs are the easiest weapon for them to inflict damage,” said Brigadier (rtd) B K Ponwar, Director of Kanker-based Counter Terrorism and Jungle Warfare College.  The Maoists targeting civilians is indicative of the fact that the rebels are upset with the forces dominating the region with the support of the local population.

“The barbaric act of naxals is an attempt to unleash terror among the people”, stated the Bastar police.The Maoists with presence in the seven districts of Bastar zone in south Chhattisgarh are waging a virtual war against the security forces and the state for over three decades.

Killed in kangaroo courtIn 10 months this year, the Maoists have killed 29 villagers, most of them put to death in their jan-adalat (Kangaroo court), which they had organised in different districts of Bastar. During the same duration, eight security personnel died in the clash with the rebels.

RAIPUR:  This year, particularly the summer, was relatively peaceful in the conflict zone of Bastar, perhaps for the first time in several years. However, the outlawed CPI (Maoist), apparently pushed on the back foot by security forces is now retaliating by turning to soft targets to register their presence.

In 10 months this year, the Maoists have killed 29 villagers, most of them put to death in their jan-adalat (kangaroo court), which they had organised in different districts of Bastar. During the same duration, eight security personnel died in the clash with the rebels. 

The local civilians continue to face the brutalities of the left-wing extremists as soft targets who are punished in full public view after levelling allegations of being police informer or supporter. Attacking soft targets like unarmed villagers, local public representatives  and public properties are the age-old modus operandi of the banned Maoist outfits.

“In Bastar Range, though civilian killings have reduced to a great extent from 279 in the year 2006 to 29 in 2022, it is still an area of major concern in left-wing extremist affected areas. The Maoists are grossly mistaken that such killings would deter other villagers who have realised the malicious face and hollow ideology of the banned organisation,” Sundarraj P, inspector general of police (Bastar Range) told this newspaper.

We are committed to wipe out the Maoist activities, ensure peace and development in the region, the IG added. According to the guerrilla warfare experts, such violent killings of the innocent villagers might not get approval from top leadership of Maoists who rely on the mass support for their movement. 

“The soft targets cannot retaliate. Maoist cadres surrendering, getting caught or killed frustrate them, so they look for soft options. Even the IEDs are the easiest weapon for them to inflict damage,” said Brigadier (rtd) B K Ponwar, Director of Kanker-based Counter Terrorism and Jungle Warfare College.  The Maoists targeting civilians is indicative of the fact that the rebels are upset with the forces dominating the region with the support of the local population.

“The barbaric act of naxals is an attempt to unleash terror among the people”, stated the Bastar police.
The Maoists with presence in the seven districts of Bastar zone in south Chhattisgarh are waging a virtual war against the security forces and the state for over three decades.

Killed in kangaroo court
In 10 months this year, the Maoists have killed 29 villagers, most of them put to death in their jan-adalat (Kangaroo court), which they had organised in different districts of Bastar. During the same duration, eight security personnel died in the clash with the rebels.

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