RAIPUR: The Chhattisgarh State Election Commission on Monday announced the simultaneous schedules for conducting the urban bodies and the panchayat elections.Chhattisgarh becomes the first state to synchronise elections with one state-one election preparations apparently being worked out by the commission.”The urban bodies polls will be held in one phase on February 11 and counting of votes on February 15. The elections for the panchayats would be held in three phases and scheduled on February 17, 20, 23 and the counting of votes will be held the same day at the polling centres but the tabulations of votes will be held at the respective block headquarters on February 18, 21 and 24″, said Ajay Singh, the state election commissioner while declaring the dates. “The schedule of the elections have been prepared in such a way that the entire polling process will get over before the school board examinations that are held in the month of March,” the commissioner said.The entire process of both urban and panchayat polls will be over by February 24.The elections will be held with Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs) in the urban bodies while voting in panchayats will be through ballot papers.There are 4474269 voters to exercise their right to franchise in 3206 wards for urban bodies polls. The elections will be held in 10 municipal corporations, 49 municipalities and 114 nagar panchayats.Similarly there are 27 zilla panchayats, 146 janpad panchayats and 11600 gram panchayats. There are 37035 polling centres in both the urban and rural areas.
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