On the situation in Bangladesh, the CM said the Union government should take steps to protect Hindus in the neighbouring country.”If the minority population in Bangladesh has decreased, is that our fault? Why didn’t the central government address this issue? Were they sitting idle? We tried to bring many from there but couldn’t. Many Hindus wanted to come here. We provided food for them, but you don’t know that. Many Muslims also came here,” she claimed.Banerjee pointed out the alleged communal undertones in political rhetoric by the BJP leaders, saying, “Are Muslims living only in this country? Don’t they live in other countries? Then why do you target Bengal? Whether fortunate or unfortunate, this country got divided into three parts.”She recounted the Beldanga incident, where communal tensions flared up a few weeks back.”During the Kartik Puja, abusive remarks were made against me in lighting displays. In another place, there were abusive remarks about a specific community in the lighting. Despite multiple warnings, they didn’t listen, leading to clashes. I stayed awake the entire night, along with the DGP and the chief secretary.”The chief minister spoke about her efforts to preserve heritage sites.”Vivekananda’s house could have been encroached upon and turned into a multi-story building. We acquired and restored Sister Nivedita’s house,” she said.Banerjee also lauded Belur Math’s inclusive ethos.”We cannot interfere with one’s religious property. I saw a dargah there, and a Maharaj told me it had been there from the beginning. Seeing it made me feel that Hinduism is truly great,” she said.The chief minister took a dig at the Centre over the alleged exclusionary nature of the Citizenship (Amendment) Act, 2019 (CAA) and the National Register of Citizens (NRC).”Forget about Waqf. Talk about why minorities were excluded from CAA. How many people were excluded from the citizen’s charter due to the NRC in Assam? Mistakes have consequences, as shown by the exclusion of many Hindus and Assamese. The Uniform Civil Code (UCC) is for everyone. We all are one. Why are you targeting a specific religion?””Let oppression stop in Bangladesh, and let oppression of minorities stop here too,” she said, urging the Centre to withdraw “divisive” laws.
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