The assistant director of the ED posted at Shimla and his brother, a senior manager at the Punjab National Bank in Delhi, had allegedly gone to a location near Chandigarh to receive the bribe money from an educational institute promoter, who is facing a probe under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA), the sources said, adding that the probe into the matter pertains to post-matriculation scholarship scam in Himachal Pradesh.The owner of the educational institute had filed a complaint with the CBI about alleged extortion, based on which the Chandigarh unit of the agency planned the trap operation, where the complainant was asked to give a bribe of Rs 55 lakh in cash to the officer, with CBI sleuths keeping an eye, the sources said, adding that the plan was to nab the accused after the bribe money was transacted.The ED officer, who is on deputation from the Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs (CBIC), got alerted during the operation and allegedly fled, the sources said, adding that the attempts are on to track him.Meanwhile, sources in the ED said, the accused assistant director of its Shimla sub-zonal office and his supervisory officers – a deputy director and the joint director (based in Chandigarh) – have been transferred to Delhi after the case surfaced.
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