CBI arrests 26 in East Central Railway departmental exam paper leak


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NEW DELHI: The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has detected and busted a departmental examination paper leak scam under the East Central Railway at Mughal Sarai in Uttar Pradesh during a search operation launched on the intervening night of March 3 and 4, officials said on Tuesday.The officials further said that as part of the probe, the agency registered a case against a Senior Deputy Electrical Engineer (DEE) – operations and 8 other Railway officials and unknown candidates and others.The CBI conducted checks at three spots on the intervening night of Monday and Tuesday at Mughal Sarai, and a total of 17 candidates were found with photocopies of hand-written question papers, they added.According to officials, the East Central Railway had scheduled a “Departmental Examination” on March 4, 2025, for the posts of Chief Loco Inspectors.A senior CBI official said, “Investigation conducted so far revealed that accused Sr. DEE (Ops) was given the responsibility for setting and preparing the question paper for the said examination. He in his own hand-writing had written the questions in English and allegedly gave it to one Loco Pilot, who in turn translated it into Hindi and further gave it to an OS (Trg.). The said OS (Trg.) allegedly in turn gave it to the candidates through few other Railway employees.”

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