
Polish diplomat fired after calling Holocaust law ‘stupid’
A Polish diplomat charged with improving contacts with Jews worldwide has been fired after he criticized his own government’s approach ...

China is using Olympics as a ‘tool’ to ‘legitimize its abuses,’ human rights researcher says
China is using the 2022 Winter Olympics to “legitimize its human rights abuses,” a human rights researcher told Fox News, ...

See Their Reactions – Hollywood Life
The stars of ‘Full House’ and ‘Fuller House’ are devastated by the sudden death of Bob Saget. Andrea Barber, Juan ...

Teenagers who sleep longer have a higher risk of diabetes Diabetes risk in teens who sleep longer brmp | ज्यादा देर तक सोने वाले Teenagers को डायबिटीज का खतरा अधिक, स्टडी में बताई गई ये वजह
Diabetes risk in teens: अगर आप किशोर हैं और ज्यादा देर तक सोते हैं तो सावधान हो जाइए. क्योंकि एक ...

Imran masood against fir lodged for meeting with supporters nodelsp
लखनऊ. हाल ही में कांग्रेस का दामन छोड़कर समाजवादी पार्टी (Samajwadi Party) में शामिल हुए इमरान मसूद (Imran Masood) पर ...