“While the country is mourning Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s demise, Rahul Gandhi has flown abroad to bring in the New Year even as the nation observes seven days of mourning. Congress doesn’t care for Dr Manmohan Singh. They abused and insulted him during his lifetime. They continue to do so now. Yesterday nobody went to collect his ashes. Congress even denied the Bharat Ratna to Dr Manmohan Singh. This is their true face,” BJP spokesperson Shehzad Poonawalla told ANI.He called Rahul Gandhi a “leader of paryatan” (tourism). “Rahul Gandhi has changed the meaning of LoP from Leader of Opposition to Leader of ‘paryatan’ and Leader of the party. At a time when the country is grieving the loss of former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, Rahul Gandhi has left for ‘paryatan’ and party, as per media reports… Rahul Gandhi and ‘paryatan’ are nothing new. When the 26/11 attack happened in Mumbai, he was partying all night. He is not concerned about the demise of Dr. Manmohan Singh,” the leader added.
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