Shrinate added that the women leaders of the party, including Women Development Minister and BJP president JP Nadda, should speak out about such remarks. She also called on Prime Minister Narendra Modi to address the issue.Shrinate concluded by calling for an apology from the BJP, stating that the party must take responsibility for this mindset and language.Ramesh Bidhuri defended his remarks, referencing Lalu Prasad Yadav’s past statement comparing Bihar’s roads to actor-politician Hema Malini’s cheeks, he said speaking to India Today TV.”If the Congress is offended by my statement today, what about Hema Malini? She is a renowned actress who has brought glory to India through her films. If Lalu Yadav wasn’t criticised for his comments, why should I be questioned for mine?” Bidhuri said.Responding to the Congress’s criticism, Bidhuri further stated, “Isn’t Hema Malini a woman? In terms of achievements, Hema Malini is far superior to Priyanka Gandhi.”The BJP candidate later took to his X handle to clarify that his intention was not to insult anyone.”Some people are making statements on social media for political gain with a wrong perception based on a statement given by me in some context. My intention was not to insult anyone. But still if anyone has been hurt then I express my regret.”This isn’t the first time Ramesh Bidhuri has faced backlash for controversial statements.In 2023, he made communal remarks against then-BSP MP Danish Ali during a Lok Sabha session. The comments, captured on camera, were widely criticised by political leaders as inappropriate for a parliamentarian.Bidhuri later expressed “regret” over his objectionable remarks.(With inputs from ANI)
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