Bill to streamline service related to immigration, foreigners introduced in Lok Sabha


Bill to streamline service related to immigration, foreigners introduced in Lok Sabha

The entry, stay and exit of foreigners from India are currently governed by the Registration of Foreigners Act, 1939, and the Foreigners Act, 1946.While Indian visas of all categories to foreigners can be granted in physical or sticker form by Indian missions or posts located abroad, the Bureau of Immigration (BoI) grants electronic visas under seven categories to people from 167 countries.Besides, visa-on-arrival is granted by immigration authorities at six designated airports to nationals of three countries — Japan, South Korea and the UAE (only for such UAE nationals who had earlier obtained e-visa or regular or paper visa for India).The stay and movement of foreigners in India and their exit are regulated by the BoI, state governments and Union Territory administrations.According to existing laws, all foreigners on long-term (more than 180 days) visas are required to register with the Foreigners Regional Registration Officer (FRRO) or the Foreigners Registration Officer (FRO) concerned, having jurisdiction over the place where the foreigner intends to stay, within 14 days of arrival.Pakistani nationals are required to register within 24 hours of their arrival.Other laws that cover foreigners in India include the Citizenship Act, 1955, which regulates acquisition and termination of Indian citizenship as well as acquisition and registration of foreigners as Overseas Citizens of India (OCI).The Passports Act, 1967, provides for the issue of passports and travel documents to regulate departure from India of citizens of India and other persons, and the Immigration (Carriers’ Liability) Act, 2000, that makes carriers liable in respect of passengers brought by them into India in contravention of provisions of the Passport Act.Apart from movement, stay and visa, there are certain protected areas in India where foreigners need special permits to travel, including multiple states in the northeastern region, the whole of Andaman and Nicobar, and parts of Jammu and Kashmir, Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh and Rajasthan.According to Union Home Ministry data, a total of 98,40,321 (98.40 lakh) foreigners visited India between April 1, 2023, and March 31, 2024.(With inputs from PTI)

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