The incident took place when a police team led by DSP visited the spot on being informed about the consumption of alcohol at the birthday party held at Sasaram in Rohtas district on December 27 night. The DSP’s bodyguard opened fire in self-defence when a group of people surrounded them and attacked the police team with stones, sticks and other hard blunt substances, as per the FIR lodged by the bodyguard Chandramauli. On the other hand, the deceased Om Prakash’s brother Rana Rahul Ranjan claimed that the police team led by DSP, Traffic, Mohammad Adil Bilal visited the spot to extort money from people enjoying the birthday party. He, however, admitted that some people had consumed alcohol at the party. The police seized several bottles of alcohol from the spot. The incident took political overtones after the visit of some political party leaders cutting across party lines to the deceased Om Prakash’s house. On Tuesday, Neeraj Kumar Singh Bablu, minister of the public health and engineering department, met the members of the bereaved family and consoled them for the loss. The minister assured the family of stern action against the erring cops. “The investigation is proceeding in the right direction. I have personally spoken to the state home secretary and chief minister Nitish Kumar has also been apprised of it,” he told the media at Sasaram.
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