A BJP leader, speaking on the condition of anonymity, said, “The party will propose to Chief Minister Nitish Kumar to expand the cabinet before 30 January. A maximum of six new ministers can be inducted into the cabinet. New faces may be given an opportunity in the much-awaited cabinet expansion.”Sources have also hinted at the possible reshuffling of portfolios for some serving ministers. Another BJP leader claimed that some ministers might be dropped from the cabinet due to their poor performance and could be replaced.“But the ministers to be dropped from the cabinet will be replaced by leaders of the same caste only. The party leadership is working on the proposal, and the selection of new faces will be completed before 15 January,” the leader asserted.The cabinet expansion is expected to occur between 15 and 30 January, as the budget session of the state legislature will begin sometime in February. However, the exact date for the budget session has not yet been announced.Hectic lobbying has already begun for the elevation of MLAs as ministers. MLAs from Saran, Tirhut, and Patna divisions are likely to be considered for cabinet positions, particularly with the forthcoming assembly elections in mind.
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