Biden pledges new Ukraine aid, issues fresh warning for Russia as he eyes Moscow’s ouster from G-20-


Biden pledges new Ukraine aid, issues fresh warning for Russia as he eyes Moscow's ouster from G-20-


BRUSSELS: President Joe Biden and Western allies have pledged new sanctions and humanitarian aid in response to Vladimir Putin’s assault on Ukraine, but their offers fell short of the more robust military assistance that President Volodymyr Zelenskyy pleaded for in a pair of live-video appearances.

Biden also announced the US would welcome up to 100,000 Ukrainian refugees, though he said many probably prefer to stay closer to home, and provide an additional USD 1 billion in food, medicine, water and other supplies.

The Western leaders spent Thursday crafting next steps to counter Russia’s month-old invasion, and huddling over how they might respond should Putin deploy chemical, biological or even a nuclear weapon.

They met in a trio of emergency summits that had them shuttling across Brussels for back-to-back-to-back meetings of NATO, the Group of Seven industrialised nations and the 27-member European Council.

Biden, in an early evening news conference after the meetings, warned that a chemical attack by Russia “would trigger a response in kind.”

“You’re asking whether NATO would cross. We’d make that decision at the time,” Biden said.

However, a White House official said later that did not imply any shift in the US position against direct military action in Ukraine.

Biden and NATO allies have stressed that the US and NATO would not put troops on the ground in Ukraine.

The official was not authorized to comment publicly by name and spoke only on condition of anonymity.

Zelenskyy, while thankful for the newly promised help, made clear to the Western allies he needed far more than they’re currently willing to give.

“One per cent of all your planes, one percent of all your tanks,” Zelenskyy asked members of the NATO alliance.

“We can’t just buy those. When we will have all this, it will give us, just like you, 100 per cent security.”

Biden said more aid was on its way.

But the Western leaders were treading carefully so as not to further escalate the conflict beyond the borders of Ukraine.

“NATO has made a choice to support Ukraine in this war without going to war with Russia,” said French President Emmanuel Macron.

“Therefore we have decided to intensify our ongoing work to prevent any escalation and to get organized in case there is an escalation.”

Poland and other eastern flank NATO countries are seeking clarity on how the US and European nations can assist in dealing with their growing concerns about Russian aggression as well as the refugee crisis.

More than 3.5 million refugees have fled Ukraine in recent weeks, including more than 2 million to Poland.

Biden is to visit Rzeszów, Poland, on Friday, where energy and refugee issues are expected to be at the center of talks with President Andrzej Duda.

He’ll get a briefing on humanitarian aid efforts to assist fleeing refugees and he’ll meet with US troops from the 82nd Airborne Division who have been deployed in recent weeks to bolster NATO’s eastern flank.

Billions of dollars of military hardware have already been provided to Ukraine.

A US official, who requested anonymity to discuss internal deliberations, said Western nations were discussing the possibility of providing anti-ship weapons amid concerns that Russia will launch amphibious assaults along the Black Sea coast.

Biden said his top priority at Thursday’s meetings was to make certain that the West stayed on the same page in its response to Russian aggression against Ukraine.

“The single most important thing is for us to stay unified,” he said.

Finland announced Thursday it would send more military equipment to Ukraine, its second shipment in about three weeks.

And Belgium announced it will add one billion euros to its defense budget in response to Russia’s invasion.

At the same time, Washington will expand its sanctions on Russia, targeting members of the country’s parliament along with defense contractors.

The US said it will also work with other Western nations to ensure gold reserves held by Russia’s central bank are subject to existing sanctions.

With Russia facing increasing international isolation, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg also warned China against coming to Moscow’s rescue.

He called on Beijing “to join the rest of the world and clearly condemn the brutal war against Ukraine and not support Russia.”

But Stoltenberg, too, made clear that the West had a “responsibility to prevent this conflict from becoming a full-fledged war in Europe.”

The possibility that Russia will use chemical or even nuclear weapons has been a grim topic of conversation in Brussels.

Stoltenberg said that NATO leaders agreed Thursday to send equipment to Ukraine to help protect it against a chemical weapons attack.

White House officials said that both the US and NATO have been working on contingency planning should Russia deploy nonconventional weaponry.

NATO has specially trained and equipped forces if there should be such an attack against a member nation’s population, territory or forces.

Ukraine is not a member.

Stoltenberg said in an NBC News interview that if Russia deployed chemical weapons, that would make “an unpredictable, dangerous situation even more dangerous and even more unpredictable.”

He declined to comment about how the alliance might respond.

The White House National Security Council launched efforts days after the invasion through its “Tiger Team,” which is tasked with planning three months out, and a second strategy group working on a longer term review of any geopolitical shift that may come, according to a senior administration official.

The official was not authorized to comment publicly and spoke on the condition of anonymity.

Both teams are conducting contingency planning for scenarios including Russia’s potential use of chemical or biological weapons, targeting of US security convoys in the region, disruptions to global food supply chains and the growing refugee crisis.

Biden before departing for Europe on Wednesday said that the possibility of a chemical attack was a “real threat.”

In addition, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told CNN this week that Russia could consider using its nuclear weapons if it felt there were “an existential threat for our country.”

Finland’s Prime Minister Sanna Marin on Thursday warned, “Russia is capable of anything.”

“They don’t respect any rules,” Marin told reporters.

“They don’t respect any international laws that they are actually committed to.”

The Russian invasion has spurred European nations to reconsider their military spending, and Stoltenberg opened the NATO summit by saying the alliance must “respond to a new security reality in Europe.”

The bolstering of forces along NATO’s eastern flank will put pressure on national budgets.

The energy crisis exacerbated by the war is a particularly hot topic for the European Council summit, where leaders from Spain, Portugal, Italy and Greece are hoping for an urgent, coordinated bloc-wide response.

EU officials have said they will seek US help on a plan to top up natural gas storage facilities for next winter, and they also want the bloc to jointly purchase gas.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has dismissed calls to boycott Russian energy supplies, saying it would cause significant damage to his country’s economy.

Scholz is facing pressure from environmental activists to quickly wean Germany off Russian energy, but he said the process will have to be gradual.

“To do so from one day to the next would mean plunging our country and all of Europe into recession,” Scholz said Wednesday.

Ursula von der Leyen, head of the European Union’s executive arm, said before Biden’s visit that she wanted to discuss the possibility of securing extra deliveries of liquefied natural gas from the United States for the 27-nation bloc “for the next two winters.”

The EU imports 90 per cent of the natural gas used to generate electricity, heat homes and supply industry, with Russia supplying almost 40 per cent of EU gas and a quarter of its oil.

The bloc is hoping to reduce its dependence on Russian gas by diversifying suppliers.

The U.S. is looking for ways to “surge” LNG supplies to Europe to help, said Jake Sullivan, Biden’s national security adviser.

Four new NATO battlegroups, which usually number between 1,000-1,500 troops, are being set up in Hungary, Slovakia, Romania and Bulgaria.

Biden says that he wants Russia out of the G-20.

Biden made the comments during a press conference Thursday in Brussels following a series of urgent NATO meetings on the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

The G-20, or Group of Twenty, is an intergovernmental forum of 19 countries and the European Union that works on major global issues.

He said he raised the issue Thursday with other world leaders.

Biden said that he would prefer Russia is removed from the group, but should Indonesia or other nations disagree, he would ask that Ukraine leaders be allowed in for conversations.

Biden and Western allies on Thursday pledged new sanctions and humanitarian aid in response to the continued assault in Ukraine by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Meanwhile, a coalition of nations that asked the International Criminal Court to open an investigation over possible Russian war crimes in Ukraine met Thursday to pledge support for the probe.

The court’s chief prosecutor urged them to stand up in support of the global legal order.

“If we don’t put our money where our collective mouths are, if we don’t give actual support but we wring our hands with lamentations, things can get worse,” Prosecutor Karim Khan told a meeting of representatives from more than 20 nations at the British ambassador’s residence in The Hague.

“And history will not judge us well; victims throughout the world will not judge us well.”

Britain said before the meeting that it was boosting its support for the ICC war crimes in Ukraine with cash and specialist staff as it hosted the meeting of the coalition of nations that back the investigation.

France announced it will provide magistrates, investigators and experts and 500,000 euros (USD 550,000) in extra funding, which may be increased if needed.

France is the third-largest contributor to the ICC budget.

The meeting came a day after US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said the Biden administration has made a formal determination that Russian troops have committed war crimes in Ukraine and would work with others to prosecute offenders.

The US is not a member state of the ICC, but could still assist a prosecution there by helping to gather evidence against Russian forces in Ukraine, using some of the vast abilities it has deployed to track and monitor what has been happening in the conflict.

The US could also provide support and backing to a commission of inquiry established by the UN Human Rights Council.

The meeting in The Hague happened as Biden and other NATO leaders gathered in Brussels on the one-month anniversary of the Russian invasion.

The UK is a member of the court and Deputy Prime Minister Dominic Raab said London will donate 1 million pounds ($1.3 million) in extra funding for the ICC and assign soldiers with expertise in intelligence gathering to the court to help uncover evidence of war crimes.

A war crimes team in the Metropolitan Police’s Counter Terrorism Command also is being mobilized to help the investigation.

“Today, the UK is uniting a coalition of international partners to provide the funding and law enforcement support to reinforce the ICC’s investigation into potential war crimes in Ukraine,” Raab said in a statement ahead of the meeting.

“President Putin and his commanders should know that they will be held to account for their actions, and risk ending up spending the rest of their days behind bars,” he added.

Khan, opened an investigation earlier this month after dozens of the ICC’s member states formally asked him to launch a probe.

Khan has already visited Ukraine as part of the investigation and sent his staff to the region to begin gathering evidence.

Neither Russia nor Ukraine is a member of the court, but Ukraine has accepted its jurisdiction.

The court already has conducted a preliminary probe into crimes linked to the violent suppression of pro-European protests in Kyiv in 2013-2014 by a pro-Russia Ukrainian administration and allegations of crimes in the Crimean Peninsula, which Russia annexed in 2014, and eastern Ukraine, where Moscow has backed rebels since 2014.

It found “a broad range of conduct constituting war crimes and crimes against humanity within the jurisdiction of the court have been committed” in Ukraine, Khan’s predecessor, Fatou Bensouda, said at the time.

Those findings are also part of Khan’s ongoing investigation.

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